When Mom Brings Home A Puppy To Envy And Annoy Her ‘Much Bigger’ Sister

When Mom Brings Home A Puppy To Envy And Annoy Her ‘Much
Bigger’ Sister

One day, while driving along the road, a woman noticed a man holding a tiny puppy. Intrigued, she asked her friend to pull over. The puppy, later named Riley, estimated to be only three to four weeks old, immediately captured her heart. “In just a few hours, I had fallen in love,” she recalled in the video below. The little pup, full of life and miraculously healthy, felt like the perfect addition to her family. She already had a dog, Abby, and had been longing for a companion for her. “I had put it out into the universe—I needed someone for Abby,” she said. That wish had finally come true.


The first night Riley joined their home, Abby seemed unsure of her new housemate. But things quickly changed. They improvised a jacket for the tiny pup using a sock since nothing small enough could be found. Before long, Abby’s instincts kicked in, and she embraced her role as a protective mother figure.

The size difference between the two was initially comical. “It was like a horse over a mouse,” she joked, as Abby towered over the tiny pup. Despite this, their connection was heartwarming. Abby would rest her head gently on the little one, showcasing her nurturing side.


As time passed, the puppy grew, and their relationship evolved. They became inseparable siblings, always playing and exploring together. The woman even started a fun tradition to decide their daily outings. Writing names on pieces of paper, she would let the dogs “choose” their next adventure. “I just needed someone else to make a decision for me—that’s why I have dogs,” she laughed.


People often assumed Riley was Abby’s puppy due to their close bond, but she always clarified the mix-up with a smile. From the very beginning, their relationship was about companionship and unconditional love.

Tell Target: Animals Deserve Better!

Tell Target: Animals Deserve Better!

Target decided to keep selling eggs and pork that come from caged chickens and crated pigs indefinitely despite the pledge made nearly a decade ago to stop using cruel cages and gestation crates. Sign now to urge Target’s CEO to stop supporting animal cruelty.

The pair continues to thrive as best friends, and their story is a beautiful reminder of how chance encounters can bring incredible joy and connection into our lives. Click below to watch Abby and Riley form their heartwarming bond. You can also check out Abby and Riley’s hilarious TikTok below the video. Enjoy!

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