![Mischievous Baby Goat Finds Trampoline, And Had The ‘Time Of
His Life’](https://www.pohek.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Mischievous-Baby-Goat-Finds-Trampoline-And-Had-The-‘Time-Of.jpg)
Kids love to play and this baby goat is no exception. He discovered the joy of bouncing on a trampoline one day and couldn’t stop. Being naturally curious, he tested the trampoline and quickly figured out how to make it work. It was time to have some fun!
Source/Image Screenshot Credit: iiteotwawki via YouTube Video
He is incredibly athletic and skilled on the trampoline, impressively prancing around with ease. Despite his ability, his mother stays close to watch over him and makes sure he stays safe.
Source/Image Screenshot Credit: iiteotwawki via YouTube Video
Despite the plan, the mama goat started chewing on the trampoline while her kid was still bouncing around on it, seemingly enjoying herself.