Quiet Rescue Dog Started Barking At Wall One Day, Owner ‘Grabbed’ Him And Runs

Quiet Rescue Dog Started Barking At Wall One Day, Owner
‘Grabbed’ Him And Runs

Several months ago, Drew Smith, a 41-year-old engineer, contacted a San Diego animal shelter in search of a canine companion. Despite his hopes of finding the perfect match, Drew couldn’t find a dog that fit his expectations. Feeling disheartened, he decided to give a chance to Carl, a frail and sickly 4-year-old Spaniel mix. What Drew didn’t realize was that this small act of kindness would set the stage for Carl to one day return the favor in an extraordinary way—by potentially saving Drew’s life and his home!


Image/Story Source Credit: ABC 10 News via YouTube Video

When Drew arrived home from work, he found Carl in the backyard with a furious and persistent bark. Even though he was otherwise a rather quiet dog, Drew was awakened from his slumber one night by the insistent and excruciating howls of Carl, who was usually a very “silent” companion.

At first, he tuned out the barks because they sounded odd, but then he recalled that Carl had been acting strangely all day. He quickly flipped on the lights in an alarming state to discover smoke billowing from the walls.

Image/Story Source Credit: ABC 10 News via YouTube Video


Drew managed to grab Carl in his arms and flee his apartment just before the flames began erupting from all sides thanks to the bark alarm. Drew made another amazing discovery! A fire had been smoldering “in the walls” for days, it appeared.

The whole week, Carl was suffering from headaches and a sore throat, but he never connected them to inhaling suppressed smoke.


Image/Story Source Credit: ABC 10 News via YouTube Video


Drew revealed that he did not want to adopt Carl due to the prospect of medical expenses associated with his dental problems. But after witnessing Carl’s brave act, Drew now believes that nothing is more precious than a dog’s devotion and loyalty. He knows he’s in good company since he has a wonderful relationship with his rescue companion!

Be sure to watch this video until the very end! It’s truly heartwarming and gripping!

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